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Suit up! everyone as it is already the midway of season 6 and still no trace of ted's wife.Hey who cares right because the show is not really about Ted's wife but about Ted and his friends before he met his wife(I think..).They (producers and writers) obviously don't want the story of Ted meeting his wife to finally end as it will mean the end of the show as it will never happen in the near future with the ratings of this show still high.

As we all know the star of this show is not really Ted Mosby but the ever delinquent,women magnet and mysterious(still don't know what his job is) Barney-wait for it-Stinson!

Neil Patrick Harris(gay alert!) played this character pretty well.Maybe it's because of his gay personalities that make Barney's character a little more awesome than just regular guys.Credit to Matt Kuhn (writer) who is the real brains behind all this Barney Stinson saga.If u like Barney then you would like to read Matt's book,Bro on The Go,The Bro Code(read this one already) and the new one The Playbook.

What makes the show really stand out is the humor and the characters in it which every one of them has their own identity and uniqueness.They kinda complete each other really...>.<

I am really piss off last week because episode 11 of season 6 is not aired until this week's a message from Barney

Until we meet
My nights will be a little colder
My days a little shorter
My heart will beat a little less rapid
Until we meet
I know that my arms will be empty
My mind hurting from the constant thought of you
Minutes will seem to be hours
Hours will seem to be months
While months will seem like eternity

Until we meet
The stars in the sky will not affect me
with its gleaming sparkles of life

Until I am gazing at them in your arms
And the food that I eat will not be as fulfilling and nourishing
Until it is you that I share the my food with

And Until we meet
I will not feel whole
My world will seem incomplete
Until that wonderful day
When our eyes make first contact
And our bodies and souls collide in blissful whirlwind
The words will roll off my tongue like a sweet love song
"Hello, my love, I couldn't wait to meet you."


"A lie is a lie. Just because they write it down and call it history doesn't make it the truth. We live in a world where seeing is not believing. We live in a world where everything we know is wrong."
— Sergeant Frank Woods

I just finished playing this game and my review is..utter AWESOMENESS!!!
My Review
My personal review of this game is that the game itself is "mind blasting"(russel peters).The graphic was off the charts and the storyline is thrilling.It was like watching a playable movie if u ask me.I wasn't gonna tell you the story because you have to play it for yourself and then you will know what i mean.The game story itself is kind of a mixed blend of Assassin Creed and Max Payne.You know with the flashbacks and the mental thing.

They made the game a lot more realistic with the actions and movements.There are also parts were you need to drive vehicles yourself including helicopters.This is one of my favourite part

diving from a mountain man...thank goodness there is a parachute..hehe

This would be my favourite character Sergeant Frank Woods, coolest of them all(Mason who??)

There is a zombie mode too...but lame..better play left 4 dead if you wanna kick some zombie ass!

CHOWZ peeps!

Fun Facts

hey guys! are some fun and random facts that i found on the web

1.The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.(Flinstone! is one of my fav cartoons in the 90's)

2.Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better.(hmmm angguk2)

3.There are 170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ways to play the ten opening moves in a game of chess.(owh man i hate chess)

4. 22% leave the glob of toothpaste in the sink.(2% is in my sink i think...hehe)

5.In a century's time Islam had converted one-third of the world.(yeah!!!!)

6.The Yo-Yo originated as a weapon in the Philippine Islands during the sixteenth century.(owh now i can attack my brothers with my yo-yo)

7.Take your height and divide by eight. That's how tall your head is!(22.75 cm is my head height,wow)

8.More Monopoly money is printed in a year, than real money printed throughout the world! (damn...i love monopoly)

9.Coca Cola was originally green.(of course they change it..who wanna drink barf???)

10.The powder on chewing gum is finely-ground marble.(so that means i can chew my marble floors??)


hey can i just put bla2 till the end
cause i'm seriously have no idea what to put on this page..

well,to honour the title,here is some introduction...hye my name is adli ikram and i'm new to this world u all called blogging...i'm still a student and i can't wait to finish my studies so i can work and sleep at the same time..hehe..just kidding..or am i???(cynical look)...

what i hope to achieve someday?i hope that i can be a useful citizen to society....ok that is just bullshit(taik lembu)....really i hope someday i'm gonna be mega rich and mega successful and megamall(erk?)...

hey who doesn't want to get rich?with money u can have almost everything... except iman because Raihan once said("iman x dapat dijual beli")...right2?
but remember one thing,even if u have billions of dollars in your bank islam bank account,if you don't have someone to share it's just not worth family and friends is priceless...mcm iklan mastercard la plak...

so...don't be a fool,stay in school-van wilder

seriously guys this "bla" thing really helps making my post looks longer...ngeh3

p/s:thnx to miss huda 4 the encouragement.....(>.<)

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