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hey can i just put bla2 till the end
cause i'm seriously have no idea what to put on this page..

well,to honour the title,here is some introduction...hye my name is adli ikram and i'm new to this world u all called blogging...i'm still a student and i can't wait to finish my studies so i can work and sleep at the same time..hehe..just kidding..or am i???(cynical look)...

what i hope to achieve someday?i hope that i can be a useful citizen to society....ok that is just bullshit(taik lembu)....really i hope someday i'm gonna be mega rich and mega successful and megamall(erk?)...

hey who doesn't want to get rich?with money u can have almost everything... except iman because Raihan once said("iman x dapat dijual beli")...right2?
but remember one thing,even if u have billions of dollars in your bank islam bank account,if you don't have someone to share it's just not worth family and friends is priceless...mcm iklan mastercard la plak...

so...don't be a fool,stay in school-van wilder

seriously guys this "bla" thing really helps making my post looks longer...ngeh3

p/s:thnx to miss huda 4 the encouragement.....(>.<)

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