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"A lie is a lie. Just because they write it down and call it history doesn't make it the truth. We live in a world where seeing is not believing. We live in a world where everything we know is wrong."
— Sergeant Frank Woods

I just finished playing this game and my review is..utter AWESOMENESS!!!
My Review
My personal review of this game is that the game itself is "mind blasting"(russel peters).The graphic was off the charts and the storyline is thrilling.It was like watching a playable movie if u ask me.I wasn't gonna tell you the story because you have to play it for yourself and then you will know what i mean.The game story itself is kind of a mixed blend of Assassin Creed and Max Payne.You know with the flashbacks and the mental thing.

They made the game a lot more realistic with the actions and movements.There are also parts were you need to drive vehicles yourself including helicopters.This is one of my favourite part

diving from a mountain man...thank goodness there is a parachute..hehe

This would be my favourite character Sergeant Frank Woods, coolest of them all(Mason who??)

There is a zombie mode too...but lame..better play left 4 dead if you wanna kick some zombie ass!

CHOWZ peeps!


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