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Suit up! everyone as it is already the midway of season 6 and still no trace of ted's wife.Hey who cares right because the show is not really about Ted's wife but about Ted and his friends before he met his wife(I think..).They (producers and writers) obviously don't want the story of Ted meeting his wife to finally end as it will mean the end of the show as it will never happen in the near future with the ratings of this show still high.

As we all know the star of this show is not really Ted Mosby but the ever delinquent,women magnet and mysterious(still don't know what his job is) Barney-wait for it-Stinson!

Neil Patrick Harris(gay alert!) played this character pretty well.Maybe it's because of his gay personalities that make Barney's character a little more awesome than just regular guys.Credit to Matt Kuhn (writer) who is the real brains behind all this Barney Stinson saga.If u like Barney then you would like to read Matt's book,Bro on The Go,The Bro Code(read this one already) and the new one The Playbook.

What makes the show really stand out is the humor and the characters in it which every one of them has their own identity and uniqueness.They kinda complete each other really...>.<

I am really piss off last week because episode 11 of season 6 is not aired until this week's a message from Barney


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